I want to be alone! I wanna shun myself from the outside world! Truly alone alone to myself! I don want to see a thing.
Daily in the mornings I HATE to wake up because I have to see people and talk to them. I HATE to go to office because people are fake and not true! I HATE to go to yoga class because they are not nice. I HATE to go to dance class because there is so much of politics and back biting which I don’t want to even hear but I am made to hear about! By the time I come back home I go overboard with all the gossips which I carry about people and feel so drained off! What a life it is! A machine-like life! LIFE SUCKS TRULY!!!!
I wake in the hope of atleast meeting one genuine person on this earth! Will I find one? Or will I just keep searching and finally a day will come when my life will end and still I will just keep looking out for a genuine person! I am tired of this whole concept of “pretend to be” “ smile like” “laugh like” “talk like” “ appear to be”.
Many a times I have thought that I want a friend for life time. But it has never been that way! Whenever I get to know a particular person a little better they are taken away! I am tired of searching for friends! For finding one person who is nice and sweet it takes me a wholesome amount of time and I also have to bombard with infinite amount of people, have loads of bad experiences, hate people, hate myself! Now the question is, is all the effort put worth??? I want more friends! More people who talk their mind and not “pretend to be”. It scares the shit out of me when I see people pretending to be something else!
Will I ever get to see someone genuine!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
enna di aachu? y suddenly all this??
errr... well... was in a depressed mood yesterday... still having a hang of it...!!! tired di!!!!
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